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The Terrorism Pool Index
Predicting and managing exposures from global terrorism events remains a complex challenge to commercial insurance and reinsurance markets.

Predicting and managing exposures from global terrorism events remains a complex challenge to commercial insurance and reinsurance markets. The resultant shortfall in sufficient risk transfer options highlights the importance of the role of government-supported terrorism insurance schemes in addressing this market deficit. Global terrorism insurance pools continue to evolve their scope and scale to provide the requisite response and stability for global companies to operate securely.
In collaboration with Pool Re and global members of the International Forum for Terrorism Risk Insurance Pools (IFTRIP), Wilson Tower Watson, Financial Solutions is pleased to present the following Terrorism Pool Index. This report provides an overview of the features of many of the key terrorism schemes in existence across the world.

The features of the main terrorism insurance schemes are outlined in the first section of this report and brief information on some other terrorism schemes is provided in the second section. The information provided is for general guidance only; insurance buyers should obtain appropriate professional advice when designing and implementing global and local terrorism insurance arrangements.

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