“Cover, Gaps and Pooling the Risk” was one of the main themes to take center stage at this year’s IFTRIP Livestream 2020. Please browse through the content below featuring panel discussions, live Q&As and an array of supporting resources from from world-leading experts.
LIVE PANEL – Breaking Cover: Coverage gaps and how to fill them
Panel Discussion
Sponsored by AON
Moderator: Paula Jarzabkowski – Professor of Strategic Management, City, Uni of London & Uni of Qld
Emma Karhan – Head of Terrorism Specialty & Reinsurer Relationships, AON
Jason M. Schupp – Founder and Managing Member, Centers for Better Insurance, LLC
Will Farmer – Crisis Management and Special Risks, AXA XL, a division of AXA
AON Presentation & Collaboration Project:
Greg Case – CEO, AON
Emma Karhan – Head of Terrorism Specialty & Reinsurer Relationships, AON
Pooling the risk:
Paula Jarzabkowski – Professor of Strategic Management, City, Uni of London & Uni of Qld